Conor Benn On Chris Eubank Jr: “If it does happen, I’ll smash him to pieces”

 | February 02 | 

3 mins read

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Conor Benn is a man on a mission. After losing his British Boxing Board of Control license, which he relinquished in the wake of two failed anti-doping tests. ‘The Destroyer’ has plied his trade stateside. This Saturday he takes on Peter Dobson in Las Vegas, fighting for the second time since a 17-month absence stalled his career.

Speaking to Betfred via Matchroom Boxing, Benn outlined his hopes for Saturday and beyond. Chris Eubank Jr, Terence Crawford and Dobson are among those in his sights.

Conor Benn vs Peter Dobson Tips

  • Benn wins in rounds 4-6 @ 16/5
  • Will it go the distance? Yes @ 2/1
  • Will it go the distance? No @ 4/11

You beat Rodolfo Orozco last time out after a 17 month lay-off. How did it feel to get back in the ring after everything that had happened?

It felt good to get back in there. I was mentally exhausted before getting into the fight. I fell asleep for 20 minutes while my gloves were on. Taped up, all signed, sealed, approved, ready to go and fight and I fell asleep for 20 minutes. It was more of a mental battle, more mental than the man in front of me.

How did you assess your performance in that one? 

Accurate, intelligent, smart, powerful. It was just a tough guy, kept coming forward. It was that Mexican that normally derails the Brits. He was that guy. I think it's testament to my hard work. People say 10 rounds, easy fight, comeback fight. It weren’t, it was a fight.

You’re back in the ring just four months later, what’s going to be different this time?

I’ve got bad intentions for this one. 

In terms of those intentions, what feels different this time? What will be different on Saturday compared to the Orozco fight?

I’m going in there to absolutely annihilate him. Make him cry.


Having been out for so long last year, is there a level of activity you want to hit this year? Are you targeting a particular number of fights?

This is the earliest I've been out in my career so for me, I reckon realistically three times this year. Because the magnitude of the fights we want take time. They want 12 week camps. I'd love four but three is realistic.

How does it feel to be headlining in Las Vegas, the boxing capital of the world?

It's a dream come true. To be headlining in Vegas at 27. Most fighters dream of doing that and to even fight in Vegas, let alone headline.

You’re the fifth-ranked welterweight in the world with the WBC. Is the champion, Terence Crawford, on your radar for the immediate future?

Most definitely. I've always said that I’m putting the Benn name back where it belongs. And for me, top five is where it belongs. Top one is really what I'm gunning for.

How many fights away from a world title shot do you feel you are at this point?

Ready next. Really next for a world title shot.

Is the Chris Eubank Jr fight still one you want to pursue?

(It can) happen anytime, anywhere. Do I think the fight with Eubank will happen? Listen, I haven’t got a magic ball in my hands. If you’d asked me if I thought anything would have happened over the past two years, I could have never said. It ain’t down to me. All I know is I do what I do and I control what I control. If it does happen I’ll smash him to pieces.

Where do you want to be in your career this time next year?

Undefeated current world champion

Finally, can you give us a prediction of how the Dobson fight goes on Saturday?

Saturday night, I knock him out in one round.

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