A bus driver was all smiles heading into the New Year after landing a whopping £112,000 from a £14 stake on the Irish Lotto.

The Betfred regular from Nottinghamshire, who heads a 16-strong syndicate of friends and former work mates, is on a roll after first winning £20,000 on the Irish Lotto to share with his chums last month.

They landed their biggest win in ten years as Betfred customers after four of their numbers – 7, 13, 18 and 27 – came out.

The 59-year-old father of four syndicate leader said: “We used to do Littlewoods Pools then the National Lottery but switched to the Irish because basically the odds are better.

“Some of the lads don’t know we’ve won yet but will no doubt find out soon enough – and the celebrating our biggest ever win can get underway.

“We’ll obviously be doing our sums and working out how much each of us gets. I don’t know how everyone will be using their winnings but I will be booking a holiday and then there will be treats for my family. “

Betfred boss Fred Done said: “We’ve been taken to the cleaners good and proper with big Irish Lotto winners here in Nottinghamshire, London, Liverpool, Rugby… virtually everywhere in fact.

It has been an absolute nightmare end to 2018 for me, but the fact is this is what it is all about – big winners from small stakes so good luck to all our customers going into the New Year.” 


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