I’m a Celebrity Winner Odds 2023: Sam tough to beat but Tony’s a tiger

 | December 10 | 

3 mins read

celeb blog

Josie departed the jungle scene last night, leaving our three intrepid finalists. It will all be resolved this evening, and three will become just one, self-consciously sitting in a large chair wearing a crown and holding a big stick-thingy.

The remaining trio are, with their latest odds to become King of the Jungle;

Sam Thompson 4/11
Nigel Farage 4/1
Tony Bellew 9/2

Who will be getting your vote tonight?

It's probably been the most controversial edition in the 21 years of the show's existence. Last year was lively enough courtesy of the presence of oft-criticised Matt Hancock, former UK Health Minister at the height of the dreadful pandemic.

Feelings understandably continue to run very high, and, massive understatement alert, Hancock's presence wasn't universally appreciated. Well - this year more controversy, as politician Nigel Farage was paid a reported 1.5 million pounds to make the trip Down Under.

Some said at the outset that this was a bridge too far, and wouldn't be watching given Farage's controversial views and outspoken manner. It's ensured at the very least that this year's show has been as much in the spotlight as ever, but viewing figures have indeed reportedly suffered.

It's not stopped several heart-warming individuals making their way into our living-rooms, two of which have made it to the final in Sam and Tony, and also in last night's leaver Josie, an emotional, caring lady who evidently had a momentous time and cooked up some terrific meals for her fellow campmates.

Here's a wee look at the remaining three;

Sam Thompson 4/11
I said the other day in a piece ahead of one of the evictions that 3/4 weeks ago I'd never heard of him. Turns out his full name is Sam Robert De Courcy Thompson, so I'm guessing he's what my dear old Mum would have called 'a bit posh.'

A Made in Chelsea regular back in the day, and seems after a bit of research to have become something of a reality show staple. Shows I've evidently not seen. Has boundless energy, and has amused me when interacting with Tony especially - poking and distracting the genial Scouser until even his patience wore thin.

A glance from 'Bomber' giving out a 'stop that NOW' message usually had the desired effect, especially when rocking his hammock. Fiercely. Seems he's caught on with the public and according to the traders is past the post (famous last words). Bags of empathy, warmth. A kind soul I reckon. Plenty to be said for that.

4/11 says it all I guess but I do still remember when Will Young beat Gareth Gates, so anything is possible.

Nigel Farage 4/1
It's hard to say much without becoming embroiled in controversy so how about he's apparently 59. There. That wasn't too contentious, was it?

Tony Bellew 9/2
A boxer who made absolutely the most of his talents. More Gareth Southgate than Franz Beckenbauer, but a lion-hearted attitude and commitment. Huge Everton fan. Melted when his wife appeared in the jungle for a brief chat the other day, and has confirmed on many occasions how family is absolutely everything to him.

Has garnered so many new admirers through this process and would be a worthy winner, though the market isn't speaking in his favour. Camp champion. Chivalrous upholder of standards. Would be honoured to have a pint with the fella.

Here's a link to all the current TV shows we have markets on, including I'm a Celeb - please CLICK

Enjoy the final, and have a lovely evening. No tip from me - looks like Sam, but the price is prohibitive.

For the last time this season - I'm a Celebrity tips, from Betfred Insights.

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