For months the talk has been that the Republican Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis was going to run for President. Well after plenty of column inches it has been widely reported that he’s set to announce today in a Twitter Live with Elon Musk. We take a look at his odds as he makes it official…

At the turn of the year DeSantis was the betting favourite here on Betfred not only to win the Republican nomination but become the 47th President of the United States of America. Since then though his momentum has stalled somewhat as he’s now listed as the third choice in the market to be the next incumbent of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The 44-year-old looked set to lead the battle even against Donald Trump. The former President had legal troubles and was struggling to make an impact beyond his radical base. DeSantis was seen as extremely conservative but didn’t come with the baggage that his seemingly primary opponent had. Things as they say though change and Trump’s indictment in New York has actually helped his popularity within the party.

One of the biggest problems anyone has when running against Donald Trump is the media will lap up everything he says and does. Good or bad, he’s on TV pretty much non-stop and has a personality that people have a strong response to. Whether that is positive or negative is immaterial as the more eyeballs watch then the more money they can charge advertisers. Sadly this is the modern way and that does not play into the hands of the two-term Florida Governor one jot.

Another big issue that DeSantis is facing is the amount of endorsements within his own party that he’s missing out on. Plenty of prominent Republicans in the Sunshine State have already come out and backed Trump rather than their own Governor. This is not a good look and he needs to hit the campaign trail hard to get some momentum back into his campaign.

All indications are that he’s going to run to the right of Trump, which is a pretty bold strategy and one he clearly feels is necessary to win the nomination. That would seriously dent his chances in the Presidential election should he be the man to take on Joe Biden, who is widely expected to cruise to the Democratic nomination.

The topic of abortion is going to be front and centre throughout both the primary season and the final vote next November. DeSantis has made it clear that he’s delighted that Roe v Wade was overturned, a decision that the majority of Americans in all polling seem to disagree with. Trump himself is taking credit for that, having stacked the Supreme Court in his time as President.

Ron DeSantis has a good chance to win the nomination and be the next President but the odds have drifted. Trump still has legal issues that could derail his campaign. Both the frontrunners on the Republican side are expected to feel the need to go as right as possible to get the nomination and how that plays out next November will likely be talked about in political textbooks for years to come.

As DeSantis enters the race though we make him the second-favourite to win the Republican nomination at 5/2 and we have him listed as the third choice to win the 2024 Presidential Election with odds of 9/2.

For the record Joe Biden is the top choice at 6/4 with Donald Trump at 5/2.

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